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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Forest Illegal Logging In Indonesia Same With "HARAKIRI"

llegal logging in Indonesia as a form of forest exploitation of natural resource wealth that has lasted a long time, unwittingly mean the same by doing "harakiri". 

"No we are aware, Indonesia is doing harakiri on its forest resources. And for 30 years in the process of national forest exploitation, in fact increased since the era of autonomy," said Head of Sub Directorate of Conservation and Development Pemolaan DG PHKA Region, Ministry of Forestry, Jl. Wiratno MSc, in Yogyakarta, Tuesday. 

Exploitation of tropical forests is increasing along with the action even illegal logging occurs because the imbalance distribution of natural resources, other than extravagant lifestyle in developed countries which imitated the world community becomes even modern lifestyle trends.

"The conditions there are energy flows from south to north, and forests is one of strategic resources such as contested in the globalization of this," he said. 

According to him, satellite technology makes even the developed countries can freely determines the condition of natural resources in other countries, particularly those located in the southern hemisphere. 

At the time of the stock of wood in tropical forest thinning, there is encroachment into the forest conservation forest areas including national parks, such as Tanjung Putting National Park in Central Kalimantan, or in the Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL) Langkat, North Sumatra. 

'Illegal wood illegally in TNGL can run smoothly because they are supported by strong capital, the availability of working equipment and manpower are easily available and protected by local police officers, officials, and weak security in the field of forestry police, "he said. 

He said the complexity of the problem of illegal logging in many cases, governments need support from the "legitimate" and strong, because if not, harakiri forests will continue to happen.

"National politics have to side with the conservation and rehabilitation of forest resources and are managed by investment nuances," he continued. 

If the rehabilitation and conservation can not be done, the forests of Indonesia, which is located in the lowlands of Sumatra are expected to run out in 2015 and in Kalimantan by 2010. 

Basically, Wiratno said, the impact of forest destruction will not only be felt by the people around him but is able to pass through border states such as floods, landslides, fires and smoke haze. 

While the impact of such a chain is declining soil fertility, pests, diseases, and drought, he said.

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